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"... astonishingly skilful trombonist..."
Tony Lawrence 2010

"... (Roger) plays such a convincing tailgate ...... that you nearly forget that he is really a highly accomplished Mainstreamer in the same league as, say, Roy Williams. Why Marks isn't better known and celebrated as a world-class trombonist is a mystery to me..."
Jim Denham, Just Jazz, August 2009

"... one of the most accomplished trombonemen in Europe..."
Brian Harvey, Just Jazz, Sept 2008

"... It's also my belief, voiced more than once on this programme, that the fluent, warm and sonorous trombone playing of Westcountry based Roger Marks - cutting as it does a wide swathe of traditional cum mainstream jazz - is of world class quality and should be acclaimed as such.."
Humphrey Lyttelton on playing a track from the latest Roger marks CD; BBC Radio 2, 16 December 2002

"... Roger Marks is a tasteful and accomplished trombone player, with a full, rounded tone, supple phrasing and a controlled, fluent flow of ideas. He delivers melody expressively.."
Jazz Journal International: Hugh Rainey Jan 2000

"... trombone virtuoso... Roger Marks has been rated among the country's top jazz trombonists since he turned professional in 1977.."
Reading Jazz Club Sep 99

"... Roger is a very accomplished trombonist and deserves the accolades he has recently received.."
Just Jazz: Pete Lay Dec 99

"... Roger Marks' playing with fluent, poised melodic, neatly constructed phrasing, firm rounded tone and controlled precise intonation - is in the Chris Barber tradition, but characterised by a penchant for a style of melodic lyricism outside the New Orleans idiom.."
Jazz Journal International: Hugh Rainey Feb 99

"... Roger Marks is a name that should be familiar to regular listeners, since I've played several things by his Armada Jazz Band over the years. On paper, trombone and piano appear an unpromising alliance but Roger is an excellent trombonist with a nimble technique... and Duncan (Swift) was able to conjure up rich textures from the piano.."
Humphrey Lyttelton playing a track from duo CD, BBC Radio 2, 21 Feb 99

"... Plymothian Roger Marks is certainly one of the finest trombone players in the UK.." 
The Courier: George Giles Feb 98

"...Roger is... very much more than just a tailgate rambler. A fine sophisticated player with a beautiful tone and a graceful approach to the trombone.."
BBC Radio 3 Jazz Notes: Digby Fairweather 23 Sep 97

"... Marie is my favourite track... it shows what can be done with only two instruments when one of them provides the rhythm and the other is a trombone cantabile.."
Jazz Review Oct/Dec 96

"...the most accomplished soloist in the band - I found echoes of Wilbur De Paris and Barber in his jaunty, expressive, well crafted phrases and full round tone, with a crisp percussive edge in low register.."
Jazz Journal International: Hugh Rainey May 96

"... one of the few traditional jazz musicians to also cut a fine path in the world of mainstream jazz.."
Jazz in the South West Jul 94

"...Roger is a dedicated and brilliant trombonist.."
Jazz Travel 91

"...Trombonist Roger Marks is a household name in the South West.." 
Western Morning News Nov 91

"...Roger 's wide-ranging encompassment of various jazz styles on trombone is well-known.."
Evening Herald: Noel Wain Aug 89

"...Reminiscent sometimes of the warmth and allure of an artist like Roy Williams.." 
Jazz in: Apr/Jun 89

"... Roger Marks sounds a better player than Ory was..."
Jazz Journal International: Eddie Cook, Editor. Oct 87

Roger Marks was born in Tenby, Wales in 1947 but was raised in the West Country at Honiton. He was taught the trombone at the age of fourteen by the leader of the town band. Turned professional at the age of 28 with the Plymouth based Rod Mason Band with whom he has made many TV appearances on BBC Pebble Mill at One, Westward TV and continental stations. He has recorded with Beryl Bryden, Dick Charlesworth, Pete Allen, Ron Drake and Ray Foxley. He left to form the first Armada Jazz Band. He took time out to experiment in the mainstream field with the Roger Marks Quartet/Quintet which featured guests such as Bruce Turner, Maxine Daniels and Danny Moss and included rising stars Craig Milverton on piano and Martin Dale on saxophone. Re-formed Armada in 1992 who are now very active on the club and festival circuit at home and in Europe. Roger's influences include Chris Barber, Kid Ory, Trummy Young, Bill Harris, George Masso and many others but his melodic style is very much his own.


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