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Part of the fun, and challenge of being in a band such as ours is that we like to explore new ground and rummage around in search of new material; and, as a consequence, The Armada repertoire is constantly changing as new numbers squeeze in and some familiar ones 'slip off the back'.
That's why it is that, if you don't see the band for a year or so, the chances are it will seem as though a completely new programme is on offer, but it will have been arrived at by tiny steps rather than some massive overhaul.
So it is that I noticed that a preponderance of new titles, which broadly speaking had some loose connection with the idea of tropicana, had somehow sneaked onto our play lists: 'The Beach at Bali Bali'; 'Down Among the Sheltering Palms'; 'Lazy River' and 'Down in Jungle Town' to name but a few. It occurred to me that, with a little bit of help from my friends in the band, we could build a complete programme around this theme - a good basis for a CD and a stage show.
From the moment the idea took hold the search was on for more 'tropical' tunes, indeed they proved to be not nearly as scarce as I had first imagined. 'Hawaiian War Chant'; 'Bring Me Sunshine' and, stretching the point just a little 'California Here I Come' were soon getting the once over on our regular appearances around the circuit.
By the time our recorded performance at the Summerleaze Hotel, for the Bude Jazz Festival, had come around we had easily enough suitable material for three forty five minute sets. Naturally this CD features only those numbers that came off best on the day, one notable absence being 'Song of the Islands' - oh, well you can't win them all!
Interestingly 'On a Coconut Island', pretty much a make-weight, which we had to learn minutes before the session started, overtook some more fancied rivals to make the final selection - it was completely new to most of us, so maybe that's why it sounds fresh on the disc - that's jazz for you!
So here is our offering, a little bit of sun, sea and sand; palm trees and parasols; Bacardi and bamboo. All aboard and settle back and join us for a trip to paradise.

Roger Marks October 99 



1 Lazy River Roger Marks - trombone / leader
2 Hawaiian War Chant John Shillito - trumpet / vocals
3 Down Among The Sheltering Palms Ken Rennison - reeds
4 The Beach At Bali Bali John Whitlock - banjo / guitar
5 California Here I Come Bob Jarvis - e.bass
6 Isle Of Capri Denny Hutchinson - drums
7 Bring Me Sunshine
8 Panama Rag
9 Caravan
10 On A Coconut Island
11 Snakes And Ladders
12 Down In Jungle Town
13 Struttin' With Some Barbecue
14 Waiting For The Robert E Lee


Coconut Island - Roger Marks Armada Jazz Band - RSCD697

Recorded live at the Summerleaze Hotel, Bude 31.8.99.

Recorded and produced by Raymer Sound (+44 (0)1823-662160) 




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